tisdag 27 januari 2009

SSPX igen

Det var minst sagt en rejäl katolsk snöboll som sattes i rullning i mitten av förra veckan.

Kyrkan och världen reagerar ännu.

Inte minst så här på minnesdagen för Förintelsen - och med den ekumeniska böneveckan i färskt minne...


“That Pope Benedict apparently did not widely discuss a matter that has provoked anger among Jewish groups and liberal Catholics was not out of character. It was just the latest example of how the pope is increasingly focused on internal doctrinal issues and seemingly unaware of how they might resonate in the larger world.

As such, it perfectly captured the theological aspirations, and political shortcomings, of his four-year-old papacy.

In 2007, Benedict approved broader use of the Latin Mass, a reform sought by the same traditionalists he has now reinstated, but one seen by many in the church as divisive. The year before, the pope angered Muslims when he cited a medieval scholar who said that Islam brought things “evil and inhuman,” and he was seemingly ill prepared for the repercussions. He later apologized.


I would be happy if the pope would be for reconciliation, especially also for people on the progressive side,” said Hans Küng, a professor of theology at the University of Tübingen, Germany, who has for decades been Benedict’s most formidable critic on the left. A Catholic priest, Father Küng was forbidden by the church to teach theology.

The revocation seemed to move the papacy further toward intellectual concerns rather than the daily lives of Catholics. Under Benedict, the church “risks becoming a Vatican hierarchy disincarnated from faith,” said Ezio Mauro, the editor of the center-left daily La Repubblica, who writes on church-state issues.

Father Küng agreed. Benedict “does not see that he is alienating himself from the larger part of the Catholic Church and Christianity,” he said. “He doesn’t see the real world. He only sees the Vatican world.”

Läs mer här.

Mina övriga blogginlägg om SSPX finns här.


Uppdatering: breaking news från NCR - apropå biskop Williamsons uttalande. Han har precis fått munkavle för att inte göra bort sig själv och SSPX mer...

Det meddelas också att det idag är 50-årsjubiléet av Andra Vatikankonciliets öppnande - och att upphävandet av exkommuniceringen inför denna dag ses symboliskt - att början till slutet på schismen inleds vid sammma tidpunkt som den startade.

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