onsdag 20 maj 2009

Irländska präster i hetluften

Fick tragiska nyheter från olika håll om detta de senaste dagarna.

Dels lär tusentals barn som som vistats på katolska skolor och barnhem ha utsatts (stämmer verkligen siffran - var det inte tusentals som granskades - varav en del av dessa råkade ut för övergreppen?).

Dels har det just släppts en bok som visar hur irländska pedofiler förflyttades till USA och blev delorsak till skandalerna där.

""An Irish Tragedy: How sex abuse by Irish priests helped cripple the Catholic church." It provides compelling evidence, for the first time, that mandatory celibacy is a major cause of sex abuse by Catholic clergy.


The story of how Irish immigrants helped to build the American Catholic Church is well-known. But the sad tale of how Irish priests later undermined the Church has gone untold, until now.

Investigative reporter Joe Rigert's search for the roots of the Catholic sex-abuse scandals led him to Ireland. There, he found that rigid sexual repression in both society and the priesthood had the opposite of its intended effect, fostering bizarre and criminal sexual expression, and a
tragic abuse of children.

Though a tiny country, Ireland had been a chief exporter of these abusers to America. The cases Rigert documents range from a priest who as a youth was molested by priests in Ireland and then went on to abuse up to 50 girls and boys in America, to a bishop who had never dated a
girl in his home country and later turned to boys for sexual satisfaction in an American seminary.

Ultimately, Rigert reveals that abuse by Irish priests mirrors a sexual disorder in the Vatican itself. The late Pope John Paul II looked to Ireland to maintain his strict view on sexual morality, but could not enforce it even in his own nation state. The author also shows how the Pope's men--the bishops--condoned, covered up and even took part in the sexual misconduct in both countries, while the Vatican looked the other way."



Här är en annan artikel om de katolska skolorna.

Kommer sannolikt även att recensera boken så småningom.

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