Följande lista är på intet sätt fullständig - men den ger några exempel på att det rör på sig ganska så rejält under ytan och på alla håll och kanter i den kyrka som utifrån säkert tycks vara oerhört konservativ.
Listan har jag delvis hämtat från det som måste vara den nyaste grupperingen i raden, som inspireras av den saligförklarade påven Johannes XXIII, och som bloggar här.
American Catholic Council
Apostolic Catholic Church
Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church — Main site 2003-Present. The Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church (ARCC) was founded in 1980 by lay and clerical Catholics in the wake of Vatican condemnations of such theologians as Edward Schillebeeckx, Jacques Pohier, and Hans Küng. ARCC seeks to institutionalize a collegial and egalitarian understanding of Church in which decision-making is shared and accountability is realized among Catholics of every kind. We are Church!
Association of Contemporary Catholics (under construction).
Call to Action (USA): “Call To Action USA (CTA) is an independent national organization of over 22,000 people and 40 local organizations who believe the Spirit of God is at work in the whole church, not just in its appointed leaders. We believe the entire Catholic church has the obligation of responding to the needs of the world and taking initiative in programs of peace and justice.” The CTA front page features frequently updated and topical resources
Catholic Diocese of One Spirit
Catholics Speak Out (USA): CSO is A Movement for Justice, Equality and Democracy in the Roman Catholic Church. “Catholics Speak Out was born out of the belief that progressive Catholics, committed to the Gospel and the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, have been silent too long in the face of conservative trends. We rode the wave of euphoria which flowed from the Council, but we have reluctant to speak out and struggle with those who would return the Church to its repressive past.”
CORPUS (USA): CORPUS is a faith community affirming an inclusive priesthood rooted in a reformed and renewed Church. It provides not only a ministry of service which is open to the diverse ways people are authentically called by God, but seeks also sacramental ecumenical collaboration. The community and ministry are defined not only in traditional and canonical categories but in terms of the needs which require autonomy and pastoral service. CORPUS is defined by the Roman Catholic tradition and also by the charisms and conscience decision which the Spirit inspires.
Fellowship of Southern Illinois Laity (USA): FOSIL – Fellowship of Southern Illinois Laity – is an organization of lay Catholics working, in the tradition of the early Christian community, to keep the voice of prophecy alive. FOSIL recognizes our call from Scripture and The Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People from Vatican II to extend Christian social action to every sector of life. By providing and promoting adult education, FOSIL works to further the reform and renewal of the Catholic Church and to ensure justice, equality, and dignity for all people.
FutureChurch (USA):FutureChurch is a national coalition of parish-centered Catholics who seek the full participation of all baptized Catholics in the life of the Church. FutureChurch, inspired by Vatican II, recognizes that Eucharistic Celebration (the Mass) is the core of Roman Catholic worship and sacramental life. We advocate that this celebration be available universally and at least weekly to all baptized Catholics.
Married Priests Now
New Ways Ministry (USA):New Ways Ministry is a ministry of advocacy and justice for lesbian and gay Catholics and reconciliation within the larger Christian and civil communities. Through research, publication and education about homosexuality, we foster dialogue among groups and individuals, identify and combat personal and structural homophobia, work for changes in attitudes and promote the acceptance of gay and lesbian people as full and equal member of church and society.
Rent a priest
Roman Catholic Womenpriests
SEPA WOC, Southeastern Pennsylvania Women’s Ordination Conference (USA): SEPA WOC is the Philadelphia-area chapter of the Women’s Ordination Conference. As women and men rooted in faith, we call for justice, equality and full partnership in ministry. We are committed to Church renewal and to the transformation of a structure which uses gender rather than gifts as its criterion for ministry. We meet regularly in the Philadelphia area to organize educational events and witnesses.
SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, (USA) is the nation’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. 312 455 1499
Takebackourchurch.org (USA): Our Mission: Seeking ownership and citizenship in the people’s Church envisioned at Vatican II, attended by accountable, listening servant-bishops.
United Catholic Church
Voice of the Faithful (USA): Voice of the Faithful seeks to provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church by a)supporting survivors of clergy sexual abuse, b)supporting priests of integrity, c)shaping structural change within Church.
We Are Church (IMWAC) is a network of independent and autonomous groups, each representing a different culture where Catholic Christians are endeavouring to live out the message of Jesus Christ.
Women-Church is a coalition of autonomous Catholic-rooted groups raising a feminist voice and committed to an ekklesia of women which is participative, egalitarian, and self-governing; a discipleship of equals working to eradicate patriarchy, especially racism and sexism in order to transform church and society.
Women’s Ordination Conference (USA): Founded in 1975, the Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC) is the world’s oldest and largest organization working solely for the ordination of women as priests, deacons, and bishops into an inclusive and accountable Roman Catholic Church. To this end, WOW works to: a) renew church governance to be inclusive, accountable and transparent, b) bring about justice and equality for women in the Church, and c) incorporate women-centered theologies into every-day Catholicism.
Women Priests - the largest international website on women and sacred ministry.