onsdag 30 september 2009

Ännu en syster ryter till

Ilskan över den meningslösa systrainkvisitionen gör att allt fler talar ut. Rätt ut.

Jag hejar på syster Theresa Kane och hennes medsystrar i frimodighet!

Fri och modig. Det är grejen om det ska bli positiv förändring nån gång.


"“Regarding the present interrogation, I think the male hierarchy is truly impotent, incapable of equality, co-responsibility in adult behavior,” she said, not mincing any words. “In the church today, we are experiencing a dictatorial mindset and spiritual violence.”

But she described herself as a hopeful person. “Why do we hope and why do we endure?” she asked. “I have one chance, one life, and therefore I have a responsibility to criticize. Our hope comes from solidarity between women religious and laywomen.”

Kane, widely viewed as an influential voice among women religious, has a place of prominence in the history of U.S. women religious. As president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in 1979, she greeted Pope John Paul II at the National Shrine in Washington, D.C. In her address she urged him to open all ministries of church life to women. Her remarks made headlines around the world."

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