måndag 17 oktober 2011

The acts of Rome...

October 17, 2011

This afternoon, an international delegation of women's ordination leaders including Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, marched to the Vatican with a petition signed by 15,000 supporters. Fr. Bourgeois has been threatened by church officials for his public support of women's ordination. Members of the delegation including Fr. Bourgeois, Erin Saiz Hanna, Executive Director of Women's Ordination Conference, and Miriam Duignan of Womenpriest.org were detained and then released by local police authorities.

The delegation of fifteen leaders was met by local police at the gate of St. Peter's and was denied entry. Plain-clothes policemen apprehended the delegation's banners stating "Ordain Catholic Women," "God is calling women to be priests" and "Call To Action." The banners have been withheld as evidence for a pending hearing. Those who were detained were not officially arrested but their case will be heard by a judiciary court.       

View photos here.   

Read more:
Reuters: Catholics campaigning for women priests detained at Vatican

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